How To Maintain A Healthy Weight?
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To live a healthy life, one should maintain a healthy weight, and this weight maintenance should be long-term without health effects. It will also help you feel good and give you the energy to do your daily activities more efficiently. Maintaining a healthy weight level also helps you to prevent many diseases like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.
The main problem a person faces in maintaining a healthy weight is obesity and being overweight as obesity is the most common disease all over the world. If a person is diagnosed with obesity, then he/she is at highest risk of different diseases. In this article, you will learn what are the causes of obesity, how you know that you are obese, and what factors we can evolve to maintain a healthy body weight.
Obesity is a complex disorder in which a person has too much body fat. It is a medical condition. It also increases the risk of many health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and certain cancers.
Causes of body weight
Overweight and obesity result due to an imbalance of calorie intake and energy expenditure. At the same time, the lack of an effective health system response to identify excess weight gain and fat deposition in their early stages is aggravating the progression to obesity.
Research shows people with obesity carry a specific gene that affects appetite. It’s not clear if people who are overweight have the same genetic makeup. Adults and children with physical as well as learning disabilities are most at risk for obesity. The high amount of screen time and lack of sleep causes you stress. In addition, your brain and body react to stress by making more hormones such as cortisol that manage hunger. When you are hungry, you are more likely to eat high-fat, high-sugar food that causes you extra body fat.
Treatment of obesity
Most doctors treat obesity and overweight by helping you to adopt lifestyle changes that may help you to lose excess weight and keep it over the long term. In other cases, weight loss surgery in Uk and weight loss medicine can be helpful.
Lifestyle changes
Obesity can be treated by doing a lot of lifestyle changes and sticking to them. These lifestyle changes help to reduce the calories you take in from food and beverages. However, you have to increase the calories you use up by being active. So, you can develop a different lifestyle to maintain a healthy body weight. Exercise and diet play a vital role in weight loss, and if a person undergoes weight loss surgery, then after surgery, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight.
The habit of regular exercise plays an important role in weight maintenance as it burns extra calories and increases your metabolism. Also, because these are the two main factors that help you achieve a healthy weight.
A higher level of physical activity may be necessary for successful weight maintenance. In one study, individuals who spend at least 200 minutes of their day in moderate exercise a week after losing weight can easily maintain a healthy weight. It’s important to note that exercise is the most helpful for weight maintenance when it is combined with other lifestyle changes.
On the other hand, doing some type of resistance weight training may help you prevent muscle loss. This is because the decrease in muscle mass is the most common side effect of weight loss. Studies show that people who lift weight after weight loss are more likely to keep a healthy weight while maintaining muscle mass. To receive these benefits, you should lift weights at least twice a week. It will help to maintain the weight by preserving muscle mass, which is important to sustain a healthy metabolism.
A healthy diet is also an important factor in reducing weight and maintaining it. You must calculate the calories that you intake in the form of food or beverages. Eating healthy and a balanced diet is important like fruits and vegetables.
To lose weight, a moderate reduction in calorie intake with an increase in physical activity creates a sustainable deficit. You should also identify the behavior of overeating and undereating. A healthy diet plan also gives your body the proper nutrition that is needed for regular exercise while staying within your daily calorie goal for weight loss. You can also maintain your weight with these diet plans.
You can also cut your sugar intake and count your protein and carbs intake. Eating healthy carbs and fat is important. So, if you want to lose weight and maintain it, you can take a healthy diet plan and strictly follow it.
Weight loss surgery
You can also choose weight loss surgery if lifestyle changes and exercise do not help you lose weight and obesity is causing other chronic illnesses in your body. There are different bariatric or weight loss surgeries available now. You can consult your doctor about your health condition and which type of weight loss surgery you can go for in the UK.
Final Thoughts
Maintaining a healthy weight is critical for feeling well and avoiding various health issues. While obesity is a prevalent problem, it may be addressed with lifestyle modifications, frequent exercise, and a balanced diet. For those suffering serious issues, weight loss surgery may be a possibility.
Maintaining consistency and getting help when necessary can make a significant difference. Anyone may improve their health by concentrating on balance and good practices. However, if someone cannot achieve the desired results in these ways, they can choose suitable weight loss surgery in the UK. Also, an expert weight loss or bariatric surgeon can help you with that.
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